Becs Leighton Music


Upcoming Meetings

Steering Group Meetings

We meet at 6:30pm - 7:30pm, at Cardigan House, Ferncliffe Rd, Bingley BD16 2TA, on the second Wednesday of the month.

All are welcome, come along and help us get through the usual business and hatch new plans!

Let us know if you’re planning on coming down.

About Meetings

  • Steering group meetings are usually on the second Wednesday of the month
  • Notes from our meetings are available to members via Google Drive (you may need to request access. Also check our Privacy Policy)

Steering Group

Our steering group meets regularly to look after the day to day running of the organisation. The rules for how the steering group operates can be found in our constitution

Members Meetings

Our members meetings are for people, and representatives of organisations, that have formally joined Bingley Music Town as members.

These meetings allow people to come together, to get to know each other and to plot and plan on the things there are keen to make happen.

Open Meetings

Open meetings are open to anyone that wants to come along.

Feel free to drop in, however, it helps us plan if we know you are coming, so contact us beforehand if you can.

Agenda and Newsletter Items

  • Please get agenda and newsletter items to us one week before steering group meetings.
  • Finalised agendas will be circulated the day before meetings.
  • Newsletters go out two weeks after the meeting with a link to the meeting notes/minutes.