Photo: Bingley Camera Club

Sounds In Town

May 14th 2024, Cullingworth Methodist Church, 7pm

Facebook Event page for Sounds In Town

Our first Sounds In Town event will take place at at Cullingworth Methodist Church on 14th May 2024

The event is based on the Bradford Music Club model.

Local (amateur) musicians and singers of any ability are given the chance to perform to a sympathetic, supportive and appreciative audience.

The evening will consist of 10 minute maximum performance ‘spots’ and there will be a break with tea/coffee/cake.

There will be a couple of questions to each performer so the audience understands a little about the performer’s chosen music/instrument/vocal.

It is a FREE event but we’ll ask for voluntary donations upon exit from our audience to help fund the next Sounds in Town (2) event.

We really hope this first evening will be the first of many and thanks go to Helen Richmond (MD of Cullingworth Community Choir) for agreeing to host the first event. Sounds in Town (1) also feature her Choir as one of the performers. David Carpenter, founder of Bingley Music Town will MC this very informal evening.

The hope is that each subsequent ‘Sounds in Town’ evening will have a different host/venue and we are seeking to make these quarterly events (at the least), but that will depend upon people being willing to come along and play and host!

Please bring your friends, families, followers to our supportive audience.

We already have ‘takers’ for performance spots ready for Sounds in Town (2) but are on the hunt for a few more. Please let us know if you know anyone who would like to perform at the next one!

Sounds In Town Event